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Usability design and Quality Assurance

Within the context of Quality Assurance (QA), User Experience (UX) attempts to ensure the software development experience meets as many goals and needs as possible for both the users and the business. Successful UX requires involvement throughout the development cycle, from foundational research to after-market user experience evaluation. QA and UX teams work together to forge a quality user experience. QA generally identifies technical implementation issues, front-end design implementation, while UX focuses on general usability, content clarity, and learn-ability.visit here


On one level, User Experience Designers (UXDs) seek to evaluate and improve the level of satisfaction an average user gets from the product. UXDs want the users to not only use and understand the software, but to prefer it. For example, if the product is easy to use and understandable, but fails to meet the average user's needs, then the product has failed to deliver and will likely succumb to competition. Proper UX will assess the user's probable environment and circumstances early in the planning stages of software development and to help QA develop requirements accordingly.

Specificity is key. Clear and thorough UX specs about the user's environment and needs should be available to the developers before technical planning, and certainly before coding begins. This will benefit the developers and, by extension, the users. Quality UX will work with developers to understand their needs and concerns and weigh them against the needs of the project.


The challenge of UX is that by definition, user experience is subjective and will vary for each. One way to overcome this is to write scenario-based test cases instead of relying on user ratings during testing. Ratings (four out of five stars, for example) are abstracted and isolated and do not define the user's context. As such, the UXD is deprived of the chance to fully dissect the user's experience. Specifically, these include how the user began the experience, found the information, acted on the information, and how the user felt about it. With this method, UXDs can develop empathy for the user's experience and look at the product from their perspective. UX will assess the user's basic emotional response as well as more technical considerations like an intuitive interface or browser compatibility. They can then ask questions such as: "Did the interface confuse or frustrate the user?" "How did the user feel about his experience afterward?" "Did the experience match the user's expectations for our product?"

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Traditional QA works to guarantee a product functions as intended and in a manner that fulfills its users' needs. UX broadens and deepens this task by assessing less tangible factors like a user's emotional reaction to using the product. They best function is a coordinated team effort from development's inception beyond its final release; never forget that even a "bug free" product that meets QA's requirements may still fail to entice the consumer.

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